Devlog Update #5

Hi there, and welcome to the fifth update about Curse of Janksbury! I'm Keenan Geib, one of the artists for the game. A lot of what I've worked on over the course of the month has been for the environment of our game, in particular I've been working on the building models of the main street of Janksbury!

One of the major changes over break was to condense the environment of Janksbury from an entire town square into one single street, upon which a festival is taking place. So a big part of these past few sprints for me was modeling out each of the buildings, in the styles specified by our art lead Mary Benetti. 

[ Orthographic view of one block of the street of Janksbury ]

Overall, the style that we were going for with the buildings was a very general small town aesthetic. Every building that was modeled had a style that was based off of an existing town we all live near, [redacted, midwestern local place]. I did my best to keep true to the different design sensibilities, and tried to get in as much detail felt feasible for our project. It remains to be seen how the detail will effect the performance of the game, since we're just now getting to textures and that'll have the biggest impact. But so far through all the playtest it looks good, and it plays good!. 

[ Another view of the main street of Janksbury, the side that faces towards the eventual lake and small fairground. ]

Things are starting to progress quickly, as we start getting all of our different assets in. As of this week there's only a handful of things left to be modeled, and we'll be all collectively diving into the textures and finishing touches. On the list of things that have been created this last sprint, we have a water shader! We've got particles! And a lot of changes that will be updated later on in the coming weeks with a hopeful playable new build. 

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