Devlog Update #6

Hello all!  I am Michael Trroness, one of the Character Modelers for the game The Curse of Janksbury. In this blogpost entry, I’ll be going over the Character Models that I’ve had to revise and create. I will also be going over some of  the other minor models I’ve made this Semester.

As some of you may have seen, the character model of “Marcus” , our main character didn’t meet our expectations. This was due to the fact that I had to hand model all character models through Maya, instead of sculpting them through a program like Zbrush and Blender. The reason for this was because I didn’t know how to sculpt. Therefore my goal for myself over Winter Break was to learn How to Sculpt.

This was the first model of Marcus. To quick list off the major problems with this original model. The torso is too short, his arms were too long, and the face was off putting.

The new model was sculpted using  Blender. His proportions are more believable. His face is more natural, and his clothes actually look like clothes. While this would be my next attempt for Marcus. I would hand the model off to my fellow artist, Keenan G. for some additional refinement that I wasn’t able to do.

The next two major models I would work on would be the enemy NPC’s. These being the “Flyguy” and the “Biped”. To make them, I used the same base model I had used to make Marcus. This did make it much faster to make the two of them. However there were some creative limitations that had to be taken when woking with a strictly humanoid shape.

Aside from character Models I’ve also been modeling a few minor models to help fill the game environment such as a ticket booth, a circular table,  a tree one would find on the street, and a balloon pop game

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